Dairy-Free Candy for Halloween
Last Updated on September 23, 2024 by Annie
Get ready for trick-or-treating this fall with this simple guide to dairy-free candy for Halloween. In this post you’ll learn about many different dairy-free candies on the market as well as some specialty dairy-free Halloween treats.

Updated in September 2024: Removed EnjoyLife’s chocolate bars and baked goods as they seem to have discontinued their line of products. Updated links to the best of my ability to reflect brands change in products for the 2024 Halloween season.
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A Dairy-Free Halloween
For many the spooky season is a time of colorful costumes, decked out decorations, and an abundance of candy. While this time of the year lends itself to many wonderful traditions like carving Jack-O-lanterns and bobbing for apples, trick-or-treating might be stressful to those with dietary restrictions.
In this post I will cover the different dairy-free candy you might want to stock up on as well as gluten-free candy, vegan candy, and an alternative to candy entirely, the Teal Pumpkin Project.

A Simple Guide to Dairy-Free Candy
As a quick disclaimer I would like to let it be known this is by no means an exhaustive list. While we strive to be as inclusive as possible to the different dairy-free candy varieties on the market, a few may have been missed along the way.
As a general rule of thumb I highly encourage you to read the labels or look up the candy in question before sharing or devouring the candy.
I have tried to include additional dietary notes such as vegan and gluten-free but if you see that I have missed any labels, feel free to leave a comment below and I will be sure to update the list as needed.
Dairy-Free Candy for Halloween (A-L)
- Air Heads (Vegan)
- Albanese Gummy Bears
- Arcor Strawberry Hard Candy
- Atomic Fireballs (Vegan)
- Bazooka Bubble Gum
- Black Forest Gummy Bears
- Bottle Caps
- Brach’s Candy Corn
- Brach’s Lemon Drops (Vegan)
- Brach’s Peppermint Candy (Vegan)
- Brach’s Rootbeer Barrels
- Chick-O-Sticks (Vegan)
- Charms Blow Pops (Vegan + Gluten-Free)
- Cry Baby (Vegan)
- Dad’s Rootbeer Barrels
- Dots (Vegan + Gluten-Free)
- Dum-Dums (Vegan + Gluten-Free)
- Frankfort Gummy Body Parts
- Fun Dip (Vegan)
- Funtasy Jelly Fruit Slices
- Gobstoppers
- Haribo Gummy Bears
- Heavenly Organics Honey Patties
- Hi-Chew
- Honey Acres Honey Patties
- Hot Tamales
- Jelly Belly Jelly Beans (Gluten-Free)
- Jelly Nuggets
- Jolly Rancher Hard Candy (Vegan)
- Jolly Rancher Lollipops
- Jujyfruits (Vegan)
- Koochiko Lollipops
- Laeta Fruit Jelly Slices
- Laffy Taffy (Gluten-Free)
- Lemon Heads
- Life Savers
- Life Savers Butter Rum
- Lovely Organic Lollipops

Dairy-Free Halloween Candy (M-Z)
- Mamba Fruit Chews
- Mary Janes Candy
- Mike and Ikes
- Nerds (Gluten-Free)
- Nerds Candy Corn
- Now and Laters (Vegan)
- Panda Licorice
- Pixy Stix (Vegan)
- Push Pops
- Razzles
- Red Bird Soft Puff Candy
- Red Vines (Vegan)
- Ring Pops (Gluten-Free)
- Runts
- Skittles (Vegan + Gluten-Free)
- Saf-T Pops (Gluten-Free)
- Smarties Hard Candies (Gluten-Free)
- Sour Patch Kids (Vegan + Gluten-Free)
- Sour Patch Twists (Gluten-Free)
- Sour Patch Watermelons (Gluten-Free)
- Sprees
- Starburst (Gluten-Free)
- Sunkist Fruit Gems
- Surf Sweets Vegan Gummy Sweets (Vegan)
- Sweedish Fish (Gluten-Free)
- SweetTarts Hard Candy (Vegan)
- SweetTarts Chewy
- SweetTarts Mini
- SweetTarts Ropes
- Tootsie Wax Fangs
- Torie and Howard Chewy Fruities (Vegan)
- Torie and Howard Hard Candy
- Trolli Sour Gummy Candy
- Twizzlers (Vegan)
- Twizzlers Chocolate
- Twizzlers Filled Twists
- War Heads Sour Candy
- War Heads Lollipop Ring
- Yum Earth (Chews, Fruit Snacks, Giggles, and Lollipops)
- Zollipops
- Zotz (Vegan)

Specialty Dairy-Free Chocolate Candy
If you are looking to order special dairy-free chocolate based candy to either give a loved one or have to share with trick-or-treaters, here are a few different brands out on the market.
- Amanda’s Own Confections
- Choco NoNo’s Minis
- Cocomels Caramels (Vegan)
- Free2B Bag O Treats (Vegan)
- Go Max Go Foods (Vegan)
- Justine’s Mini Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
- No Whey Spider Pops
- No Whey’s Vegan Halloween Chocolate
- OCHO Organic Chocolate Candy
- Raaka Chocolate Oat Milk Minis
- Sjaak’s Halloween
- Trupo Treats (Vegan)
- Unreal Halloween Variety Pack
You can also find other specialty desserts at Natural Candy Store.
Non-Candy Snacks for Halloween
I like to keep a bowl of non-candy snacks for trick-or-treaters. It primarily started as an option for smaller kids that might not eat candy but I quickly found the bigger kids liked the holiday snacks too.
A few different snacks you might want to pass out instead of candy include:
- Annie’s Bunnies and Bats Fruit Snacks (Vegan)
- Cracker Jacks
- Fruit By the Foot (Vegan)
- Go Go Squeeze (Vegan)
- Gushers (Vegan)
- Oreo’s Minis (Vegan)
- Utz Halloween Pretzles (Vegan)
- Welches Fruit Snacks
Alternatively you can make some of your own treats to enjoy at home such as:
- Halloween White Chocolate Dipped Graham Crackers
- Pumpkin Spice White Chocolate Graham Crackers
- Halloween Oreo Truffles

The Teal Pumpkin Project
Did you know that 1 in 13 children are living with food allergies? I imagine since you are here you either have a food allergy or know someone with one and are looking for ways to make Halloween as inclusive as possible for them.
The Teal Pumpkin Project is an initiative to provide non-food based treats for Halloween. This allows all trick-or-treaters a chance to enjoy in the festivities without having to worry about candy.
Homes participating in the teal pumpkin project will typically have a teal pumpkin visible on their porch letting others know they have an option beyond the usual food-based treats.
Some treats you might consider stocking up on include:
For more information about the Teal Pumpkin Project, check out this FARE Article: About the Teal Pumpkin Project.
You can also check out the Teal Pumpkin Project Initiative for additional resources like a Teal Pumpkin Map and Allergy Safe Tips for Trick-or-Treating.
Additional Resources to Consider
When it comes to food allergies, it truly takes a village and I know one post about dairy-free candy is not enough to ease the stress you might be feeling about heading out for trick-or-treating. Here are a few other resources you might consider:
- Go Dairy Free’s Complete Guide to Dairy-Free Candy for Halloween
- Spokin’s Dairy-Free Halloween Guide for 2023
- Simply Whisked’s Dairy-Free Halloween Candy Guide
- PeTA’s Vegan Halloween Candy Guide
- Dairy-Free For Baby’s Dairy-Free Candy Guide
- World of Vegan’s 50+ Vegan Halloween Candies

I hope this guide helped provide you with some helpful information about the dairy-free candy for Halloween and ways to provide a non-candy options to trick-or-treaters.
For more dairy-free recipes and information about a dairy-free lifestyle sign-up for my newsletter below.
Some of the links above contain Amazon affiliate links. These are products and brands I use in my kitchen daily. They pay me a small commission for the referral at no additional cost to you.