How to Microwave Corn

Beat the heat this simmer and learn how to microwave corn for a juicy and simple side dish. Ready in under 5 minutes, this simple guide to microwave corn will teach you how to make a juicy corn on the cob in the microwave.

A green plate topped with cut pieces of microwave corn on the cob.

With the summer months quickly approaching, the stock of sweet summer corn is getting ready to hit the shelves and we are absolutely here for it!

My littles have a major love affair with corn on the cob. Maybe it has something to do with their constant teething and giving them a corn cob to gnaw on just helps those pitiful gums or maybe it’s that sweet meets buttery and salty flavor they just can’t get enough of.

Whatever the reason, it keeps us with a few ears of corn in the refrigerator at all times. While there are a number of different methods for preparing corn on the cob, microwaving it is my tried and true method for quickly cooking up a fresh ear of corn.

A small pat of vegan butter on an ear of microwave corn on a green plate.

Why We Love to Microwave Corn of the Cob

There is not much that beats a fresh ear of corn. Here are some of the many reasons you’ll want to learn how to microwave corn on the cob.

  • Quick. This method for cooking up some corn on the cob comes together in about 3 minutes.
  • Versatile. You can eat the corn on the cob as is or use in recipes or other dishes.
  • Peels like a dream! The husk and silks of the corn come off cleanly and beautifully.

How to Microwave Corn on the Cob

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • Fresh Corn– Fresh corn on the cob will feel firm to the touch with a bright-green husk.
Three ears of corn on a white counter.

Step-by-Step Directions for Corn in the Microwave

  • Prep the corn: Trim the ends off the corn cobs to ensure they fit in your microwave.
  • Wrap the trimmed corn cob with a wet paper towel.
  • Microwave at full power for 3-3:30 minutes on a microwave safe plate.
  • Once the time is finished, remove the plate from the microwave.
  • Unroll the corn cob: Using a dish towel or oven mitts, remove the corn cob from the paper towel.
  • Shuck the corn: Next peel the husk off the corn cob.
  • Trim: Slice the end off the corn cob with a knife.
  • Serve with vegan butter and salt.

Helpful Kitchen Tools

When you are ready to prepare your own corn on the cob in the microwave, these are some kitchen tools you might find helpful along the way.

  • Microwave Safe Plate– These plates are a great option for heating and cooking the corn on the cob as well as serving the corn after cooking.
  • Corn Cob Holders– Use these cuties to hold your ears of corn after cooking while you eat them.
A green plate topped with three ears of corn after cooking in the microwave.

Serving Corn on the Cob

When you make corn on the cob there are two paths for serving you might want to consider. Dishing it out as a side, or using in another recipe.

As a side, this simple microwave corn on the cob pairs with:

This corn on the cob can be used in another recipe such as:

Melted vegan butter and salt on microwave cooked corn on a green plate.

Fast Facts about Microwave Corn on the Cob

How long do you cook corn on the cob in the microwave?

For my 900 watt microwave I have found 3-3:30 minutes to be the perfect amount of time depending on the size of the corn cob.

Can you cook more than one ear of corn at a time?

Yes, simply add an additional 3 minutes for each ear of corn you plan to cook.

More Simple Summer Sides

A green plate filled with pieces of corn to teach how to microwave corn on the cob.

If you learned how to microwave corn on the cob and enjoyed this simple side dish please let me know in the comments below!

You can also share a picture of it with me on Instagram by tagging @mylifeafterdairy so I can see all of your life after dairy adventures!

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A small white bowl filled with corn kernels cut off a corn cob from the microwave.

How to Microwave Corn on the Cob

Fresh, juicy, and ready in under 5 minutes, this simple guide will walk you through the steps to microwave corn on the cob with husks.

Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Keyword Corn, Corn on the Cob, Microwave
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 3 minutes
Removing from Husk 1 minute
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1 ear of corn


  • 1 Corn with the husk on


  1. Trim the ends off the corn cobs to ensure they fit in your microwave.
  2. Wrap the trimmed corn cob with a wet paper towel.
  3. Microwave at full power for 3-3:30 minutes on a microwave safe plate.
  4. Once the time is finished, remove the plate from the microwave.
  5. Using a dish towel or oven mitts, remove the corn cob from the paper towel.
  6. Next peel the husk off the corn cob.
  7. Slice the end off the corn cob with a knife.
  8. Serve with vegan butter and salt.

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